Your Passion, Platform & Profile.
On Purpose.


Artists, athletes, and entertainers are - in unprecedented numbers and in groundbreaking ways - focusing their efforts on making an impact.

They aren’t waiting. They are doing good while doing well.

And not a moment too soon.

Their fans, audiences, corporate partners, capital, and entire communities within a changing global landscape increasingly care more about social impact than ever before.

They want to know they’re making a difference in the process, with every project and every purchase.

Only those who prioritize positive social impact over profits alone and who leverage their influence for positive social impact will achieve their highest and best potential.

The world needs their leadership more than ever, and markets respond to those who make it a priority.

But how?

It doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by design.

We help leading artists, athletes, and entertainers by equipping them and their teams with the same advice, guidance, and tools used by the highest profile change agents of the past 20 years.

Our support for these dynamic social impact leaders includes:

  • Family Foundations/Offices: Supporting their family foundations and family offices as they deploy their time, talent, and treasure for meaningful and measurable impact either directly or through dynamically designed partnerships.

  • Social Impact Programs & Partnerships: Developing social impact programs, projects, partnerships and campaigns around events, releases, and tours that excited and engage their audiences, markets and the entire world in new and dynamic ways.

  • Social Impact Rider: Leveraging our groundbreaking Social Impact Rider to ensure there is #ImpactInEverything they do. Every contract, every project, every partnership, every time.

  • Public Service, Advocacy & Elected Office: When it comes time to leverage their platform for the highest calling of service, we help select clients design their public service future Beyond Politics.

Only artists, athletes, entertainers, businesses, and brands that prioritize positive social impact over profits alone will achieve their true potential in this evolving marketplace that demands #ImpactInEverything.

Our team has worked with the world’s leading social impact celebrities of every order - from artists, athletes and entertainers to CEOs and public service superstars. We look forward to working with you.

All celebrities and their partners will have to follow this trend.
The most compelling will lead it.
We’ll help.