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Four Tips for Social Innovation Summit Success

Scott M. Curran
Four Tips for Social Innovation Summit Success

“I feel out of place.”

“It was overwhelming - I wasn’t sure how to make the most of it.”


Even after attending dozens of the highest profile conferences in the world over the past couple decades, still same.

We all feel these feelings as we prepare to head to a conference, don’t we? Even keynote speakers do when they show up, often as nervous and unsure as the rest of us. I have a great (and heartwarming) Green Room story about an A-List celebrity that proves this to be true.

Ask me about it when we meet and it can be our ice breaker together!

This week, the Social Innovation Summit is back in Chicago June 4-5. I can’t wait to see many friends, colleagues, clients, and collaborators.  Not to mention the incredible lineup of topics and presenters. Register via the link below if you’d like to join the fun!

With so much opportunity to engage at highly-curated, invitation-only convenings like Social Innovation Summit, overwhelm and “analysis paralysis” aren’t uncommon.

🤔 Do I belong? 📅 Which session should I attend? 🤝 How can I make the most out of networking? ☕ Should I introduce myself to the person next to me in line for coffee?👋

Been there. I get it. Our mental saboteurs are always pushing these questions into the consciousness even of the most seemingly confident among us.

But success leaves clues, and there are answers!

1️⃣ First, YES, you belong! Shoulders back, chin up, own it (hat tip Troy Hawke)! 2️⃣ Second, attend the sessions that interest you most. Like attracts like, and you’re more likely to have a meaningful experience and great conversation with those in the sessions that excite you most.

3️⃣ Make the most of networking by having a dynamite (and short) intro that is the essence of what is most exciting about you and your work. This lets your conversation partner either ask for more info or move on, depending on the moment and the magic of the meeting. Networking is just relationship building and not every person you meet is a new relationship. Put your best foot forward and see who wants to keep dancing. 4️⃣ Finally, absolutely introduce yourself in line for coffee (and similar spaces). I’ve met some of my favorite people in the world who have become long-time friends in this exact scenario and others like it. Oh, except the bathroom. Awkward, and I’ve seen this go very poorly. Off limits.

The world needs Social Innovation Summit’s ecosystem of world-changing, commitment-focused leaders like you now more than ever. And it needs you to be there as the very best version of you!

Preparedness is key. Use the above steps to make the most of your Social Innovation Summit experience and you’ll not only have a meaningful experience for yourself, but you’ll likely create one for others you encounter!

See you there!

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