2019 was a year of exponential growth and social impact success—for Beyond, for our clients, and we hope also for you! Here’s a quick look at our 2019:
Our clients continue to amaze, inspire, and change the world across industries and sectors.
We help them in virtually every aspect of their organization and work—from their Board to operations to program work.
GCLO is our sweet spot. What the heck is that? Read on!
Our team is relentlessly focused on simplification and real, needle-moving social impact at scale!
We’re expanding networks of impact by making connections between, among, and on behalf of our clients and their work.
Amazing Clients. Inspiring Work.
While we (still) don’t advertise who our clients are, you know them, love them, and are inspired by them.
Here’s a bit of what they—and we—have been up to:
A-List Social Impact - We continue to see great demand by those with the biggest profiles and platforms to infuse social impact into everything they do, moving beyond “checkbook charity” or “celebrity endorsements” and into designing measurable impact into all facets of their lives, from their business pursuits to their family foundations. We help them design, build, and grow this inspiring work.
Big Business & Real Social Impact - CSR is doing good after a profit is made. Social Impact is doing good with the business model itself asprofit is made. This year, we saw the Business Roundtable’s shift to stakeholder (vs. shareholder) primacy. This week, Larry Fink and Blackrock emphasized that climate change has become a defining factorin companies’ long-term prospects and will fundamentally reshape finance. So from paradigm-shifting business strategies to supply chain sustainability to founder and corporate nonprofits adjacent to some of the most beloved brands, we’re helping private sector clients design, build and grow their work for streamlined, simplified, scalable social impact using the business model itself.
Not Your Average Family Offices - Sleepy family offices passively funding their favorite causes are giving way to inspiring new founders driven to leverage their time, talent, and treasure for maximum social impact. Ambition driven by urgency to make a real difference on the most pressing issues of our time in innovative ways leads our family office clients to move from ideas to action with specificity, clarity, and purpose.
Law Firm Leadership - As we often say, “nobody is doing it without their lawyers!” Lawyers and law firms from “Small Law” to “Big Law” (and everywhere in between) play a deeply important role in guiding and supporting dynamic social impact at scale. We help motivated law firmsthat understand this important role design, build and grow their firm’s approach to social impact at scale—reflecting the best of what they’re already doing in new, scalable, and profitable ways that proactively engage and delight their clients and talent alike!
GCLO - Our Sweet Spot! - Governance, Compliance, Legal, and Operations of a nonprofit or social enterprise from the Board, to Executive Leadership, Operations Teams, and Program Staff. This is where we spend the majority of our time. It’s no small focus or task. Our goal is to help the most ambitious growth-stage organization, program, and/or partnership simplify and streamline its approach to social impact scalability using the best advice, guidance, and tools.
Expanding Networks and Building Partnerships - We are increasingly connecting clients with the wider community of social impact work whenever it makes sense. This has resulted in some incredible connections, partnerships, and more efficient and effective approaches to social impact at scale.
We help clients plan big, build simple, and scale for impact.
Changing the world is hard. We make it easier.
Our most popular services in 2019:
Board Growth & Development - An experienced, diverse, and engaged Board is key to the scalability and sustainability of any great organization. We help clients navigate a Board Growth & Development process to design, engage, and grow their Boards for maximum impact.
General Counsel - From Board meetings to day-to-day program teams and every business operation in between (including LOTS of HR and contract review!), we make good governance and compliance simple and seamless (and even a little bit fun)! We don’t replace law firms (and aren’t one), but we reduce the need for one, and make sure the use of them is efficient and effective when necessary.
Executive Coaching & Counsel - We serve as experienced, trusted, independent advisers to our clients’ Board Chairs, CEOs, and other executives. Having an informed, engaged, and trusted team you can call on when new opportunities (or challenges) arise is important. It’s our privilege to be that resource to clients.
Program Design & Development - We help our clients, design, build, change, and grow their organization’s work to maximize impact and scale their successes. With a team deeply experienced in global philanthropy and on the leading edge of social enterprises, we know what works and are uniquely positioned to help design, develop, and pivot programs, partnerships, and initiatives for impact.
Advocacy Strategies - Funders and organizations seeking to create positive change through public policy turn to our team to help develop smart, forward-thinking strategies at the state and federal levels to tackle some of the most challenging issues by looking at new ways to build power and winning outcomes.
Principal-Level Storytelling - From commencement addresses and TED Talks to OpEds and full-fledged books, our Principal Messaging & Communications Team works with founders, CEOs, and executive-level leadership tell the stories of their organizations, their work, and their lives!
That’s just where we were busiest in 2019. There’s a lot more to what we do. Check it out here.
The experience and talent of our team...
are what make us unique, our services awesome, and our clients better off when we finish our work than when we started.
We hope you already know them and love them, but as a reminder, here’s who they are!
Scott Curran - Social Impact Strategy General & Strategic Counsel Program & Initiative Design
Zayneb Shaikley - Strategic Counsel; Human Resources; Partnerships; Commercial Transactions
Joe Ballard - Program Design; Impact Assessment; Strategic Planning; Development Strategy
Steve Rinehart - Principal Messaging & Communications
David Horwich - Advocacy Campaigns & Philanthropic and Political Counsel
Jim Jacoby - Brand Experience; Digital Infrastructure; Experience Design
Scott Taitel - Social Impact Measurement, Innovation & Investment
We also supplement our core team by engaging a wider circle of some of our closest friends, colleagues, and collaborators who are renowned experts in their field. Their expertise includes everything from group facilitation and leadership development to social media marketing, graphic design, and event production.
We’d love to help you, too!
If we aren’t already working together, let’s have a conversation about what we can do together in 2020! Shoot us an email at contact@beyondadvisers.com