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Podcast: Scott Curran on the We Are For Good Podcast

Zayneb Shaikley
Podcast: Scott Curran on the We Are For Good Podcast

Scott Curran had a dynamic discussion with Jonathan McCoy and Becky Endicott for the We Are For Good podcast, where he discussed practical tools for maximizing social impact, specifically focusing on a key two-part frame: Board & Human Resources.

Listen below, and scroll on for We Are For Good’s great summary of the conversation!

From We Are For Good:


Meet Scott. He’s a visionary social impact and legal adviser to global brands and nonprofits🌍 He’s the CEO and Founder of Beyond Advisers, with current and former clients including the Clinton Foundation, UN Foundation’s Clean Cooking Alliance, The Starbucks Foundation, Sean Penn’s CORE and many more. Navigating uncertainty and fostering organizational growth is a challenge, but Scott's insights remind us to learn from other’s success remembering that all nonprofits have the same four core tenants. Tune in to get excited about maximizing your organization’s impact in 2024🌟


  • How nonprofits are simple and all have the same core 

  • Ways to simplify and scale for nonprofits of all sizes and profiles

  • The importance of doubling down on core functions

Today’s Guest

Scott Curran, CEO + Founder, Beyond Advisers

— Scott Curran, CEO + Founder, Beyond Advisers

Episode Transcript

Episode Highlights

  • Scott’s story and journey to where he is today (2:45)

  • What makes a team and organization truly dynamic (7:55)

  • Board

  • Operations

  • Programs

  • Partnerships

  • Scott’s take on how philanthropy, government and the private sector all fit and work together (14:00)

  • Case studies (18:10)

  • Double down on core functions during times of uncertainty (25:55)

  • What makes up a great annual calendar for an org (33:45)

  • A powerful moment of philanthropy in Scott’s life (40:30)

  • Scott’s One Good Thing: Stay curious. (50:00)

  • How to connect with Scott and Beyond Advisers (51:45)



  1. Schedule 4 board meetings now (shoot for 1 a quarter!)

  2. Let your board know that cannot wait to see them at the next meeting and that you’ll be sending the agenda within 30 days of the meeting date


  1. Pick up on those year-end reviews we did. Put your calendar reminder for October 1 that “year-end starts now”

  2. Have each person on the team review their performance and start there. They are leading the year-end process with a self-reflection of their performance

  3. Develop position descriptions with 3-5 essential functions for everyone on the team including yourself!

  4. June 1 - schedule mid-year check-ins with your team. What’s going great? What would you like to have go better? How can we support you?

Impactful Quotes

“I look at social impact as the umbrella that covers all of the ‘do-gooding’ in the world.” -Scott

“They're all special, but none unique. Every single one of them has to have a board. Every single one of them has operations. Every single one of them has programs and every single one of them has partnerships.” -Scott

“Success leaves clues, borrow success from those who've done it well.” -Scott

“There's great power in borrowing, and there's no trophy for the struggle.” -Scott

“Think about the origin story and the intent.” -Scott

“What do you do better than anybody else in the world.” -Scott

“This is a very crowded space. It does become a competitive marketplace. They have to define what makes them uniquely interesting in this marketplace.” -Scott

“If we're endeavoring to get it perfect, we might get it 80% right. So don't worry if it's not perfect, but you should be excited about it.” -Scott

“Let that charitable purpose, north star, and guide pull you forward.” -Scott

“Not every organization with a great board will achieve its highest and best purpose. But no organization without a great board will ever achieve its highest and best purpose.” -Scott 

“Momentum begets momentum.” -Scott

“Where focus goes, energy flows.” -Scott 

“Think about last year at this time. Didn’t this year go quickly? Next year is going to feel the same way. Where do we want to be this time next year?” -Scott

“My greatest moments in philanthropy and those quiet moments, those curious questions, those incredible stories of lives and communities impacted by work, of people just like those on this podcast now, and listening to it.” -Scott

“Stay curious.” -Scott

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